The Womens Confidence Life Coach

Your wellness matters….
Our current daily and sometimes taxing routines, are all too often leading to burnout, stress, illness, poor relationships & emotional eating. In all this mental clutter, we ignore the most valuable asset that helps us to do everything in life; our body and mind.
True testament to this was having experienced my own wellness challenges, which resulted in burnout, low self esteem, eating & drinking to block out sadness, whilst working in a high demanding job and managing 3 kids. With personal support and guidance, I was able to develop effective coping strategies and simple but effective actions that proved life changing and empowered me to live life on my own terms.
The sad fact is that we live in a world where asking for help, or admitting we haven’t got it all figured out, is seen as a failure or weakness, when in fact, I know the exact opposite to be true. And it’s this determination to change this outdated belief that forms the foundation of my coaching style. I’m honest and say it as it is, with a direct but kind approach. Because I have been there and daily life can be hard but we are also human.
I help women to build their inner confidence and personal wellbeing to feel great about themselves, so they can be more, do more and get more from life.
I love encouraging, supporting and guiding people along their wellness journey whilst providing the accountability they require to achieve their dream goals & thrive in life. In fact one of things I love most about being a Wellness Transformation coach is watching women make a real positive transformation to their lives and their relationships.
Do you want to make meaningful changes to your life? Then you have come to the right place.
There is a reason you are here, perhaps you are feeling or thinking the following and now believe its time to take action and discover the confident authentic you?
- You feel lost, overwhelmed, and anxious about your life passing you by, wondering where your happier, carefree younger self went.
- You want to change your thinking and take control back over your life, but fear, obligations, and uncertainty have held you back.
- You want to put yourself first instead of giving your life over to others but feel guilty
- You are comparing yourself to others with better lives which leaves you feeling unfulfilled and wanting more.
- You are going through or been through difficult life transitions like divorce, separation, having children and feel lost and alone
You are deserving of living the best possible life for yourself without feeling like you have to fight for it. Together we can make your goals a reality so you no longer surviving but thriving and striving for what makes you happy and confident. You only get one shot in this thing called life there no time to settle up or put up with the bare minimum. We must love who we are and what we do to truly live in our most authentic way because when we do we live with more purpose and more joy, and just like that we not only positively impact ourselves but also the people around us in a more meaningful and healthy way. A rising tide lifts all boats…..
Are you ready to grab this opportunity with both hands and step into your power?
Because I can’t wait to support you on this journey to becoming your most happiest, powerful, confident best self.

”“Thanks so much….I came away feeling the weight of my pain lifted….which I was in denial about! You hit the buttons which gave me a ‘aha’ moment when I realised that I make a lot of excuses for my behaviours, emotions and actions around my wellbeing. I appreciated your empathy and understanding and hearing myself speak definitely bought me insight (changes to make). This has all left me feeling empowered, revealing these blind spots was really a light bulb moment for me – so thank you so much! You have actually been enormously helpful to me and given me a massive insight into the areas I can improve as a coach myself – thanks a million you really have a wonderful talent!”
My Story
I had a relatively good upbring around family and my parents worked hard, but I witnessed a lot of trauma from an early age including family disputes. I have watched family members tried to take their own life and even calling the paramedics. I was a fairly smart kid and teenager but went through my teens feeling lonely, I had lots of friends and was ‘popular’ amongst my peers but I felt lost a lot of the time. I have been bullied and ended up in circles where it was unsafe. I got married very young and had a child at 25. My marriage broke down in 2015 and as a result I became a single mother. I felt totally lost and had very low confidence, I really struggled mentally and physically at times. With 3 children depending on me, I knew I had to change my life around by starting simple, i.e eating better, getting fit and hanging out with people who inspire me and lift me up. Along the way I encountered many people, and got my self into huge debt, by trusting the wrong people, however undeterred I continued to work on my personal development and learning towards self-mastery. I have supported countless people getting through life’s challenges by guiding them to change habits, mindset and have more self-confidence and love for themselves. I support other mothers by helping them increase their confidence & self worth so they can level up & make fulfilling progress in the most meaningful areas of their life. In the past 8 years since embarking on this journey I have experienced redundancy, starting a new business in health and wellness, setting up a healthy food stall, delivering wellness workshops, online seminars and public speaking for mindset and confidence and actively continuing my personal development in the field of health and wellness. All this has lead me to want to coach women because I truly believe that all women should feel more confident in who they are so they can reach their full potential & feel accomplished in their careers & wellness by smashing their personal/business goals. This is not unreasonable, this is the minimum standard.
Industry Experience
Developer at ThemeNectar
Lead Designer at ThemeForest
Photographer for Salient
Junior Designer at Nectar
Realising our bodies are built to THRIVE not Survive, Ive been living and breathing my 4 pillar plan for last 5 years which has completely transformed my mental and physical health and is now producing the same results for my clients.
The Mind
Having a strong MINDSET enables us become more emotionally resilient, increases our feelings of Self worth and Self esteem, whilst counter- intuitively raising our confidence levels to successfully take on the daily challenges of life. Managing your emotional wellbeing and thoughts enables you to sustain motivation for achieving your life goals whilst avoiding the things that negatively impact us like stress, fear and burnout.
Having a solid Relationship with the self helps address the root cause of self sabotaging behaviours e.g poor nutrition habits, no boundaries, lack of self trust, comparison, etc. Becoming more self aware and creating supportive and powerful relationship with yourself and others is the catalyst to overall happiness. The truth is when the relationship with yourself improves so does your relationship with others.
Life Purpose
When you flourish and fully embrace your chosen life, you open yourself up to healthier environments, more positive experiences and new opportunities, rather than remaining trapped in unhealthy limiting situations. Because developing a healthy sense of meaning in life gives us purpose & focus.
The Body
Movement, rest and sleep is a game changer, when we give our bodies the opportunity to detox and regenerate, we respect ourselves, we build optimal immunity, have more energy, feel our best which allows us to think clearly; increasing overall productivity. All this helps us better function as humans, since our body is our ONLY engine. When we function better, we achieve more in life.
What exactly is Salient App?
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How do I create my own Salient App account?
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Do I need to link my bank account in order to use it?
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Will Salient Service work on my mobile device?
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Is it available in my country?
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Quality Design
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High Performance
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